911 dispatcher answers call she will never forget

911 Dispatcher Answers Call She Will Never Forget
911 Dispatcher Answers Call She Will Never Forget

While training a dispatcher for the Marysville Police Department in California, Britney Melchor got a 911 call she'll never forget: Her 14-month-old baby was choking, according to Fox40.

In late May, baby Maverick had a small, metal washer lodged in his throat. His father, Robert Kimball, wasn't able to get it to go down.

"Can you respond to my aid?" Melchor, audibly shaken, could be heard on radio traffic from that day. "My child is choking. Medical is en route."

As the ambulance was on its way, Kimball was able to dislodge the washer on his own. "He's -– well -– he's amazing," Melchor said of her fiancé.

Melchor was since honored with a certificate of appreciation from the Marysville City Council
