Study finds that good looking people are sick less often

Some People 'Too Good Looking To Get Sick'
Some People 'Too Good Looking To Get Sick'

It looks as if some people are just too good-looking to get sick. A new study from the University of Cincinnati found that looks affect your risk of certain illnesses. The more attractive you are, the less likely you are to have health problems like diabetes, asthma, high blood pressure, depression, and others.

Researchers took 15,000 men and women between the ages of 24 and 35, and divided them into five different categories: very unattractive, unattractive, average, attractive, and very attractive. To be clear, all of this was incredibly subjective. They found a direct link between attractiveness and number health conditions; the better looking subjects were healthier, took took less time off work, and just felt better.

The findings make sense, if someone works out everyday and eats a healthy diet, they will not only be healthier, they'll be in better shape. Unattractive men and women are also less likely to have a partner, and having a partner is known to have a beneficial impact on mental and physical health.

Maybe it's less that attractive people don't get sick, and more that healthy people are attractive.

Speaking of attractive people, check out 10 celebs who've made the 'Most Beautiful' list.

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