Florida man may lose home over display of American flag

Man Fined For Displaying American Flag In Flowerpot
Man Fined For Displaying American Flag In Flowerpot

Florida veteran Larry Murphree has been charged by his homeowners association for displaying an American flag in his flower pot, Fox News reported.

"When I first moved here, I loved it. ... But it's just gotten more ... nitpick more and more," Murphree told WAWS.

WTLV reported that each day Murphree keeps the flag in the pot is a $100 fine. The homeowner is now being billed $8,000 for violation and attorney fees.

The flag behind him is upside-down because Murphree says the association put a foreclosure lien on his house to collect the money.

He has filed a lawsuit against the HOA and claims it violates his rights under the Freedom to Display American Flag Act of 2005. According to court documents, he settled another flag lawsuit in 2012, and less than two weeks later, the condo's board of directors came up with new rules and guidelines for displaying flags.

These new rules limit homeowners to displaying only one portable American flag daily, and it has to be in a flag bracket.

Murphree says he has already fought the association once before, and he won't stop until he can freely display his flag.

"(I'm) disappointed that they just keep going after the American flag," Murphree said.

In March, Murphree's lawsuit against the HOA was dismissed in federal court, but he can now file his lawsuit in state court.

Check out another man's reaction when he was fined by his homeowner's association:

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