Convicted murderer appears on dating show

Convicted Murderer Appears On Dating Show
Convicted Murderer Appears On Dating Show

A man on a Turkish dating show made a confession that would likely turn most, well, normal women away from him: he said he was a murderer. What?

Hurriyet Daily News reports the 62-year-old man says he wants to find love again and that potential new mates shouldn't fear him, as he's learned his lesson.

"I spent 14 years in prison. I have changed my ways."

He also promises to give his salary to his next wife. Fox has more details on his crimes.

"Confessed to murdering not just his wife, but another lover with an axe. He says he spent four years behind bars for killing his wife and six years behind bars for killing the other gal."

And media outlets say the dating show's producers KNEW the man had killed people before letting him on the show, but since he had served his sentence, he was approved as a candidate.

USA Today says the man admits he killed his first wife out of jealousy, and the second woman on accident, with an axe.

"I killed her after she attempted to kill me. She was accidentally killed when I swung an ax," he said.

And, this unbelievable story is actually a bit like another story.

CNN reports a now-convicted serial killer previously appeared on "The Dating Game," and was actually a winning bachelor. Yikes.

As for the man on the Turkish show, called "The Luck of the Draw," he says, more or less, he's just an honest bloke looking for love. He insists he was a victim of destiny. But, after his confession, the host asked him to leave the show ... so no 'luck' for him that day.
