Coffee may help keep eyes healthy

Coffee May Help Keep Eyes Healthy: Study
Coffee May Help Keep Eyes Healthy: Study

Good news for coffee drinkers: it might improve your eyesight, and not just by keeping them open.

A team of food scientists discovered that a strong antioxidant can help prevent retinal degeneration. The retina is a thin layer of tissue made up of light-sensitive cells that need a lot of oxygen to stay strong.

Nature World News explains the researchers "...treated mice eyes with nitric oxide, which causes oxidative stress and free radicals, leading to retinal degeneration. Mice in the test group that were treated with the antioxidant developed no retinal generation."

Previous studies also suggest coffee cuts the risk of eye diseases that usually develop with age as well as prostate cancer, diabetes and Alzheimer's.

But it's not just your health that can improve with a moderate dose of caffeine.

A study published in the Journal of Applied Psychology suggest it can result in better morals as well.

In a release from the study's authors, one professor said, "Our research shows that sleep deprivation contributes to unethical behavior at work by making you more susceptible to social influences, such as a boss who tells you to do something deceptive or unethical. Caffeine can help you resist by strengthening your self-control and willpower when you're exhausted."

If this doesn't boost Starbuck's quarterly profits, we don't know what will.

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