Beyonce's touching gesture to fan's grieving family

Beyonce Sends Flowers To Grieving Family of Teen Fan
Beyonce Sends Flowers To Grieving Family of Teen Fan

When people discuss singer Beyonce, they often use the term "diva." But there was nothing diva-esque about her kind actions earlier this week.

During a concert in Australian back in 2009, Beyonce picked a young girl named Chelsea Lee James out of the crowd to help sing her hit "Halo."

Chelsea was diagnosed with cancer in 2004 and, despite treatment, her cancer only continued to spread.

Sadly, five years after first appearing on stage with her idol, Chelsea has died.

Beyonce sent a bouquet of flowers to her family with a note reading, "Chelsea was a beautiful girl and I am so happy I was able to meet her. She touched my heart and I will never forget her."

Nope, nothing diva-esque about that at all.
