House renovated to match Pixar movie leaves neighbors shaking their heads

House Painted Like The One In 'Up' Stirs Controversy
House Painted Like The One In 'Up' Stirs Controversy

A family was so inspired by the movie "Up" that they decided to renovate their old Victorian house in Santa Clara, Calif., to resemble the one in the film.

In case you can't recall, the house is wildly colorful. In the movie, it flies away with thousands of colored balloons.

It took the couple, Hosam Haggog and Fatima Rahman, two years to finish, and say they kept much of the historical features, except with a modern twist.

Haggog and Rahman tell reporters that their daughters are 3 and 1-and-a-half years-old and that they love the movie.

But there are some neighbors on Harrison Street, with homes more than 100 years old, who think it's "atrocious."

One neighbor tells reporters that he doesn't feel it "fits in with the neighborhood."

A writer for Metro couldn't understand what the hullabaloo was about, noting the home was bright, inviting and even had picturesque decking. And Gawker called the neighbors "a real bunch of grumps."

KNTV says residents in the area take pride in preserving the street's historical look -- and something tells us bright colors don't quite fit in.
