Wild bird chases Swedish reporter

Wild Bird Chases Swedish Reporter
Wild Bird Chases Swedish Reporter

A reporter in Sweden was chased and attacked by a bird, and it was all caught on video. Here's "Fox & Friends."

'A reporter in Sweden attacked by a wild bird. Look at that. The bird chases it for a while and then turns on the camera guy. They were both finally able to get away.'

The hilarious video is just starting to get a lot of attention, but we found the video on YouTube, where it was actually published back in 2011.

Regardless of how old the video might be, it's just as funny today.

A writer for Softpedia said: 'By the end of the clip, [the reporter] gives up and gets in his car, proving once again that humans are the smarter and more easily scared species.'

Thankfully, the reporter and photographer were able to make it out of that sticky situation unharmed. No word on how the bird, though.

Take a look at the full video:
