San Antonio police officer responds to a different kind of shooting


San Antonio Police Officer Responds to a Different Kind of Shooting
San Antonio Police Officer Responds to a Different Kind of Shooting

A police officer in San Antonio responded to a different kind of shooting Wednesday. HLN has the video.

'A 12-year-old was playing basketball all by himself when a police car stopped and a police officer got out to play one-on-one. The boy's mom didn't know what to think at first, 'oh my gosh, is my kid in trouble?' But she caught it on video.'

Twelve-year-old Jacob Aguirre was shooting some hoops Wednesday when he saw the officer pull up.

According to KENS, the officer was on break when he approached Jacob. So, for the next fifteen minutes, the two played one-on-one as mom Monica Aguirre shot the video.

Post by Monica Aguirre.

She posted it on her Facebook page, noting her son had the "coolest experience." She also thanked "Mr. Cop" for taking the time to play with her son.

The video was soon shared on KENS' page as well. The post quickly went viral, generating thousands of likes.

One user commented, 'Love officers that get involved with the neighborhood kiddos!'

Another agreed, writing: 'That is A for awesome. I bet the kid was very happy.'

The officer has yet to be identified, but if you're out there, Jacob says he wants a rematch.
