Most awkward moments on the Oscars red carpet

The Oscars Red Carpet's Most Awkward Moments
The Oscars Red Carpet's Most Awkward Moments

First, Kristin Chenoweth's boyfriend - who is a producer - said he'd just wrapped on producing "50 Shades of Grey." Ryan Seacrest asked, "Does he take work home with him - like from that set?" Chenoweth said, "He sure does, and I enjoy it."

Oh wow. TMI much? Don't want to think of cute Chenoweth in a whip situation!

Next, Tyson Beckford was over reporting on ABC, and he couldn't get one of the biggest stars in the world's names right.

"Alright, we got Jessica Roberts! Sorry ... Julia Roberts."

Julia, Jessica. No biggie. Also on E!, Kristen Bell kind of accidentally slammed host Ryan Seacrest.

"We're the only two people that talk more than you so it's easy," she said.

"I think that's a diss. A compladiss, right?," Seacrest joked.

"No! it's a compliment ..."

Looks like Seacrest may have just coined the phrase "compladiss."
